Social Media

Boost your online presence

Our social media management approach is results-driven. We start with a clear strategy that aligns with your business goals. Then, we create and manage social media profiles and campaigns to help you grow your following, connect with potential customers, and drive sales.

Get in touch with us today

Our Process

  • Research – We run a workshop with you to understand your social media goals.
  • Design – We create social media templates that fit your branding and will help you reach your goals.
  • Planning – You gain access to a media schedule with the coming week’s posts planned out.
  • Reporting – You will receive a monthly report on your social media performance.

Social Media Management Packages


£500 p/m


Branded grid theme layout of your choice

3 Posts per week (including carousels & testimonials)

1 Story posts per week

Hashtag creation

Quarterly report

Monthly 1-1 call


£650 p/m


Branded grid theme layout of your choice

4 Posts per week (including carousels & testimonials)

3 Story posts per week

Hashtag creation

Monthly report

Monthly 1-1 video call

Social Media Advertising (plus ad spend)


£750 p/m

Strategy Workshop


Branded grid theme layout of your choice

5 Posts per week (including carousels & testimonials)

3 Story posts per week

Hashtag creation

Monthly Report

1 Blog Posts per month

Social Media Advertising (plus ad spend)

Masterclass Access


Contact us to learn more about our add-on options

Bright Social Media Management

DM Services

Includes answering unopened DM's and following on and forwarding enquiries

Content Creation

Travelling to the site to capture content in video and photography


Includes liking, commenting and replying to stories to increase customer engagement