Employer Branding

Strengthen your employer story to attract top talent

We recognise that having a strong employer brand is essential to attract and retain top talent, and we’re here to help you achieve that.

Get in touch with us today

How we can help you

We’ll work with you to identify the best ways to improve your reputation, prove credibility in a competitive job market and showcase your organisation's culture.

Our range of employer branding services helps schools and educational organisations to become an employer of choice for talented professionals and enhance their employer brand.

Employer Brand Assessment

We start by assessing your current employer brand. This involves analysing your company’s reputation, values, culture, and messaging to find areas for improvement. We’ll also look at your online presence, including your website and social media profiles, to evaluate how well you’re communicating your employer brand to potential candidates.

EVP Development

We will work with you to understand your employer personality and the foundations of your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). We’ll develop a unique EVP that communicates what makes your company a great place to work and will help you differentiate yourself from other employers in your industry.

Employer Brand Messaging

We’ll help you develop a messaging strategy that communicates your employer brand to potential candidates. This will include messaging for your careers page, job descriptions, social media profiles, and other communication channels. Our messaging will be consistent with your EVP and will help you attract candidates who are a good fit for your organisation.

Talent Attraction Strategy

We’ll develop a talent attraction strategy that uses your employer brand to attract top talent. This may include job advertising, employer branding campaigns, and candidate outreach. We’ll work with you to find the most effective channels for reaching your target candidates and develop messaging that resonates with them.

Internal Branding

Your employer brand is not just about attracting external candidates – it’s also about engaging and retaining your current employees. We’ll develop an internal branding strategy that reinforces your employer brand and helps your employees feel proud to work for your organisation. This may include internal communications, employee engagement initiatives, and recognition programs

Employer Branding Solutions

Offer rate £6,500 + VAT includes:

  • Recruitment benchmarking 
  • Candidate experience enhancements, including workshops, surveys, and journey mapping
  • Employer Value Proposition build and training
  • Upgraded adverts, including writing 12 job ads per year
  • Careers site audit and improvement 
  • Access to 24 Masterclasses
  • Quarterly reporting
  • LinkedIn EVP assets pack and training for ten staff members
  • Four one-month-long employer branding digital campaigns
  • Unlimited email support and regular catchup calls to help you with implementation
  • Free guides, resources and templates

The complete Package Offer rate is £6,500 (+Vat). Our complete package also includes a series of three quarterly meetings to help you roll out your new employer brand.

The total cost, if purchased separately, is £7,700. For more details, get in touch.

Customer satisfaction

We pride ourselves on our ability to build long lasting and meaningful relationships. In return we get exceptionally positive feedback from our clients.

"Great friendly company that get results. Great people really, supportive and professional services at a great price as well."

Gerry Savage, 1st Note Education