Are Marketing Agencies Useful?

February 17, 2020

Why would I use a marketing agency when I can book directly?

As an educational marketing agency, we see the same trends time and time again across the board. We have the knowledge of the education market place and can use this to your advantage. We advise you, free of charge, and help you avoid the common pitfalls and traps when planning your marketing for the year. We can help you be a leader in the marketing and advertising field.

Using an agency allows you to see the bigger picture. It optimises your time whilst also securing the very best for your organisation.

Want to make your School the Employer of Choice?

So, I’m considering using an agency – what now?

Bright will have an initial discussion with you, whether in person or a conference call, to find out all about your organisation. After deciphering how you like to strategise, we work to research and produce a media schedule of options to book for the forthcoming year. If you know the marketing materials you will also be requiring, these can be factored in to bring everything together in one cohesive plan and budget.

We send you the document for consideration and, once you know which items you would like to proceed with (based on the stats and demographic information provided), Bright makes all the bookings for you and will go ahead with the approved work.

We handle deadlines to remove the margin for error (and panic!) and we can create artwork for you – always sending a proof for your sign off before sending on. Sometimes, it is also possible for us to negotiate free editorial with publications, so it is a good idea to have some content that can be utilised for these opportunities. We can make suggestions and pop you forward for opportunities when the media speak with us about specific topics they are covering – such as wellbeing and mental health, sport, drama, art and leadership focus. As a specific education marketing agency, we keep up to date with every publication out there and will always advise and proof read your content free of charge, as added value to your team.

What will it cost me?

There are no agency retainer fees, as we believe you should always have the freedom of choice. We pride our education agency on the high level of service we provide, so an integral working relationship with high levels of trust is very important to us.

There are, obviously, negotiated and reduced advertising costs if you are looking to advertise and we will always let you know these costs before we confirm a booking with the media. We also offer additional services such as creative design, artwork and printing costs and these too are priced up before we go ahead, so you can sign off all costs and keep your budget clean with no unexpected surprises. As an educational marketing agency, we have worked solely with education for 19 years, so understand the need for accuracy and delivering success with your budget.

What next?

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to book a free consultation on how best to plan the marketing for your forthcoming academic year. Simply fill out a form on our website here, or email

If you’d like to speak with one of our friendly team in the first instance, we love to chat!

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